June 27, 2015

I'm Struggling

I'm having a super hard time keeping my mouth shut with this whole SCOTUS thing.

Since I don't really think I have any readers, I'm just going to put my feelings out here. 
I believe in Christ Jesus and what the Bible says about marriage...
Marriage is between a MAN, a WOMAN, and GOD.  Keyword, GOD.

Its not so much the ruling I have a problem with as it is using the word "marriage" that I have a problem with. Marriage is a biblical word. God designed it. God did not design marriage to be between people of the same sex, he also did not design it to be something for just anyone. 

I feel that if a man and woman get married but it is not in front of God, and God is not the center of their marriage then they shouldn't get to use the word "marriage" either. 

I feel that my gay friends deserve the right to be in a relationship that is recognized by the government in order to get the benefits that I get as a married person. 

I think that as America was founded on a separation of church and state, that marriage should be something in the church that the state and government can not control. 

Lets use a different word; like union. Marriage or Union, they should get the same benefits from the government, because in the eyes of the government they should be the same. However, in the eyes of God, they are not. If God is not apart of it, you shouldn't be allowed to use the word "marriage". 

I had a friend say the following: "It's ludicrous that anyone would presume to know what Jesus's opinion would be on anything" When I saw this I really questioned our friendship even more then I have been lately. The bible is God's word, Jesus is God, so therefore, we are not presuming to know what Jesus's opinion is, it is clearly stated in the bible. I also found this to be a rude comment, because, while she wasn't saying it to me, I felt attacked for I love Jesus. 

I am disappointed in the white house looking like a rainbow, I feel that is disrespectful to those of us American's who don't agree. Now Disney World light up the castle, fine, that is not my government or my country. I feel excluded by my country because I don't agree, and I think that sucks. 

I know this is jumping around a lot  but I am still really struggling with it all, and how to put my words and beliefs out there without offending to many people, or getting to much backlash. 

I have friends who are gay, who are in legal unions with their signifant others, and I love them. I love them dearly. I don't judge them for who they love. I have enough of my own flaws to judge others, believe me, I'm a mess, however I know Jesus. I know he came and lived a perfect life, so that I may have a savior in HIM. 

Please know, that whether you support gay marriage or not, I love you. Whether our opinions are the same or different doesn't matter to me, what matters to me is how you treat others for thinking differently then you. 

Signing off

June 26, 2015

Where ya been, yo?

Happy Friday Readers! How the heck are ya? Can you believe its been over a month since I last posted? Sorry about that! The days just got away from me! The end of school came and went. We went back to Ohio for a quick visit, came back to SC for a few days then headed to Minnesota for a wedding. We are now home for a few weeks before our next trip away.  

Do you remember back in May, I was doing #WalkInFaith with #P31OBS?  Do you remember I appiled to voluneeter with them? Do you remember me asking you to pray for me? ~*Drum Roll please*~ Well since then! I was accepted into a Small group leader roll with Proverbs 31 Online bible studies. I "attended" a boot camp training session, and have just finished my first week leading a group for the new study #TheMendedHeart. Readers, it has been an amazing first week. I am seeing God truly work in me. 

Wednesday's post was for Bible Study SKills (See it Here) it was about doing a word study. 

Okay wait, this story only gets better if I tell you about my day on Wednesday before I got into my study time. I've been struggling lately, with serving my family. You know, doing all the things everyday that a mom and wife has to do in order for the family to survive. All those things that go unnoticed, unappreciated; Laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, etc. So with this struggle I've gotten a little lax in actually doing those things, making it worse to do them, making it hard to get up some times because well I'm exhausted, and I don't want to see the messes around my house. But on Wednesday I got up, at the butt crack of dawn, alright it wasn't that early but still I could have stayed in bed because B was home and he can handle things with A if he needs to and E was still sleeping. But I didn't, I got up to help B get things ready to take A to hockey camp. Packed A's lunch, made A's breakfast, etc. Well, after doing the stuff I needed to, I came upstairs and noticed A had not made his bed, so I told B to have him do that if there was time. Well, this basically meant the world was ending, A was so royally upset that I made him make his bed and pick up his clothes off the floor, that he went on to swearing and complaining about ME for over 40 minutes. Basically, I ruined his life. 

B gets home from dropping A off and asks me what happened while he was in the garage packing A's hockey bag, he goes on to explain how upset A really was and asks me for the lowdown.The day goes on, after Lunch I choose to spend E's nap time doing the word study skill suggest in the #P31OBS blog from that day. Having never done one of these I was very excited. I got out my Strong's Concordance: 

 I opened up to the word "Grace" and noticed that holy cow there really is alot of times that its used in the bible. (around 170!) So no I wasn't going to do that many, but I did do the 7 as suggested by the outline I was given. 
So I closed my eyes, and said a little prayer: "Lord, show me what you want me to learn today" and pointed blindly. 

First: Define the Word Grace: 
Grace is undeserved acceptance and love received from another. This spoke to my heart that day as: they don't deserve it but love and accpet them anyway. 

The seven verses I picked out were: 
* Acts 14:26: and from there they saild to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God the work that they had fulfilled. 
*James 4:16:As it is, you boast in your arrogance.  All such boasting is evil.
* 2 Corinthians 8:6: Accordingly, we urged Titus that as he had started, so he should complete among you this act of grace. 
* 1 Thessalonians 5:28: The grace of our Lord Juses Christ be with you. 
*Zechariah 4:7:Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring gorward the top stone amid shouts of "Grace, Grace to it."
*Romans 11:6:But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace
*2 Corinthians 8:19: And not only that, but he has been appointed by the churches to travel with us as we carry out this act of grace that is being ministered by us, for the glory of the Lord himself and to show our good will. 

So after reading each verse I was to ask questions of it. Here are my notes: 
*given grace for missionary work completed. 
*God opposes the proud, gives grace to the humble
*titus-gave himself to the Lord-turn good intentions into actions
*Grace of Jesus Christ be with me-grace is beginning to end. 
*"temple" bringing shouts of Grace
*God's grace is free not given by works
*Serve others. 

What I concluded: Show grace to others by serving them, not because they earn it, but because they NEED it. God's grace is there from start to finish. 

Basically the message I got in my heart was "suck it up buttercup" and serve your family for HIM, show them the Grace of God not because they did something to earn it but because that is what HE would do. I keep praying show me them through your eyes Lord, let me love them like you do. 

It was a big eye opening day for me and, well, I loved it!
This whole week, I have really been feeling God moving in me. He is totally working on me. This study is going to be amazing, if you still want to join you can, you have time! Head over to proverbs31.org for more details, or shoot me an email. 

In Him. 
Signing Off
