August 31, 2015

Do things just come to you?


I was reading a post today on Facebook about September 11, 2001. 

The first thing that popped into my head about that day was the poem I wrote for the assembly at school. I hadn't thought about that in years!!!

I went searching the internet, because I knew I had posted it online at some point in my life. 

Guess what?!

I found it! And a bunch of others that I wrote back then. 

We were studying poetry in Communications class and I had to write poems. 

I went through a phase after that and wrote a few more poems. I've posted them over here. 

Here is the one I wrote for America


America, 50 states, 1 nation 
America, full of freedom 
America, struck my terrorism 
America, 50 states, 1 nation 
All Unite to fight terrorism 
America, full of pride, faith, hope, sorrow 
America, stong, hopeful we will recover 
America, freedom forever 
America, 50 states, 1 nation, all united 
Freedom forever!

I will never forget September 11, 2001, and how scared I felt. I knew no one at any of the sites that were attacked, but I felt like my world was falling apart. 

Looking back, I can see why I would have felt like my world was falling apart, my country that I love, had fallen under attack, and was headed to war. And I didn't truly know my Lord and Savior. 

If I would have died at that time, I would have gone to hell, I'm sure of it. 
I hadn't accepted Christ. I hadn't admitted to being a sinner and needing a savior. 

I am so thankful that now, no matter what, I know I'll be in heaven, because now, I know Him. 
I know He loves me and I love him. 

Do you know Him? See you there!
Would you like to know Him? Reach out to your local church, find a bible study, find someone who knows him and ask for help! You are LOVED! Please know that!


August 27, 2015

Didn't we talk about this already?

You guys!

It was pointed out to me today that I have not been listening to my directions to write.

I've been hiding behind the fact that I wrote my story, but I can't post it yet, because I'm getting it edited.

I'm using that as a crutch, that I don't have to write, because the ball isn't in my court right now.

This really isn't okay.

How would I, as a parent, respond to my children who acted this way?

Not well I"m sure.

Why should God be any different?

Well, because he is the most loving, forgiving parent there is, but because he is sovereign he has made sure I know that I have been  in the wrong. However, he hasn't done it in a way to make me feel bad...he did it through a OBS sister, and her own ministry on writing. Nothing she said or did was directed at me, she didn't even know I'd be watching. God did. He knew I'd be there and he gave her the words to say to get to me. To get my attention.

I am here Lord. Use me, show me, your path for me. PLEASE!

Y'all...will you head over to my facebook page and leave a comment about what you would like me to write about? I'm struggling with topics. It would probably be easier to come up with them if my whole heart was in this writing thing, and it was something I wanted to do.

Don't get my wrong, I want to do it, because it is what The Lord wants from me. However, it is very hard for my imperfect, sinful by nature, human self to want to do it. I keep hearing satan tell me lies. Like: "you suck as a writer" " you shouldn't write, english was your worst class", "do you even know how to spell?" "you don't know where to put punctuation!" and the biggie "nobody cares about what you have to say"

I know someone out there cares about what I have to say, God has given me this task, and he cares.

So I'm reaching out to my loyal me with topics please?!

Signing off

August 22, 2015

Listen, Would you?!

I got annoyed today.

Like really, really annoyed. (sorry for the valley girl impression)

My children would not listen.
I kept having to repeat myself, like every other normal day in my house.
However, today it really annoyed the crap out of me. I think it was because it was both of them on the same day at the same time.

It was lunch time, they wouldn't sit down. One was running off to play the piano, one wouldn't stop chasing the one running to play the piano. I just wanted them to sit down.

I was getting something out of the fridge when I said to myself under my breath "just one day, I just want one day when they both listen all day."

Then I heard as clear as day, "Me too KJ, me too." I swear it was God, telling me its time to start listening too.

I bet as tired as I get as a mom, God is the ultimate parent, think of all the kids he has to watch daily, it has to be exhausting being him. I mean I know he is like the ultimate superhero and probably never really gets tired, but it has to be hard to watch his kids turn away from him time and time again.

Take me for example I've been hearing him since October tell me its time to use my rape story for something good. Since April he has been telling me to write it. I finally this week finished it. 4 months later, and 10 months later since it all began.

I really didn't want to write it, and not really because I didn't want to go through it all again, more because I don't think writing is my thing. In fact I know writing is not my thing. If you've been following my blog for any time or just reading this post today, you can probably tell writing is not my thing!

I'm also a bit worried about the what happens next, what will come of my writing it out? Probably nothing, and I hate doing things for no reason, especially when its something I don't want to do in the first place.

Will you join me in prayer tonight about our listening skills?

I come to you tonight tired and cranky for my family does not hear me, but Lord, I know you do. Thank you for always listening, and being there. Thank you for letting me hear you today, and help me to continue to hear you louder than the world. Help me to Listen the first time and not the 10,000 time. Help me to be an example to my children of a listening person, a caring person, a less annoyed person. Help me to Love them and hear them the way you do.


For those of you wondering about the status of my story, it is written. However it is being proofread by a few friends for me. I do have plans to post it, I'm just not sure when and how but it is coming.
Thank you for praying for me with this subject.

August 20, 2015


My story has been written.

However, before I post it, I've given it to the top two people who interviewed for the job as my editor...alright let's be honest, I've given it to two friends who offered to help me out. God Bless Them!

Also, I'm feeling ready to do another five away... When I get 100 likes on my Facebook page, I will draw a winner for an experience guide to whatever #first5 study is being done at that time, or something else of my choosing. It is my giveaway after all. :)

So go like my WarriorPrincessKJ page and then share, share, share!!!



August 17, 2015

Prayers needed


So, as I've hinted to on this blog. God has told me to write, and he continues to use a few people to show me that, one person in particular, I hope you know who you are, He seems to use more often than others. I want you to know it is a good thing, I need nudging and I'm super thankful for you Ms. SS :)

I was talking with Ms. SS this evening via text messages when my phone died..and I was forced to head to the computer to finish that conversation. Which then led me to opening my file on my computer titled "My Story". 

This is the document I started a few months ago, that really is only 8 pages long, and I haven't looked at in weeks. 

I don't feel ready to post it. It's not finished. 

I do feel like God is telling me to post it. 

I'm having an internal struggle.

Could you please pray for me? I know someone out there needs to hear my story, why else would God want me to put it out there. Even if it is just me who needs it to be out there. But, am I really ready to open that can of worms? Am I really ready to move on and no longer keep my story a secret, just between me and God?

So here is the deal: You pray for me, and I pray about this..and maybe this week it will get done? Yeah? Also, if you tell me in the comments or contact me ways I can be praying for you I will do that. Even if you don't want to pray for me; I'd love to pray for you. 

Good night readers.



Hey Readers! (Does my addressing you as my readers seem weird to you? I never know how to start off a post!)

So I typed this up and never posted it. Sorry this is from 2 weeks ago!

I just really have to tell you a story...

Since we moved in April to South Carolina, we've been attending Transformation Church. We went once, and were hooked, haven't looked back. 
Well, then our pastor went on a preaching sabbatical. We figured this would be a good time to maybe just look at other churches, a little closer to home. So after a few summer travels, we went to a different church last weekend. AB loved the kid's portion of it, but B and I we were a little hesitant, just didn't feel right to us. Nothing wrong with the church, in fact that message was great, and I loved being able to attend a smaller church with neighbors. People I knew!

However, I decided I would attend our normal church today. Walking in, I felt like I was coming home. Like I walked into a building that I truly belonged in. IT WAS AMAZING! It was also confirmed for me that I need look no more for another church. I will continue to make the drive and attended TC. 

As great as a feeling as that was, I can't help but think, how great it will be when I get to go to my real home, my home with God. 

I tried looking up a bible verse to quote, but I couldn't find one that spoke to my heart. 

I imagine going to heaven, walking into the gates, will feel like peace, I finally made it, this is where I belong, this is where my people are. 

I was nervous last weekend, but this weekend, I walked in and peace rushed over me, I think heaven will be like that, only 10 fold. 

Alright, so this was really random. As are my thoughts! I'm going to get them together and share more. 

Signing Off

August 2, 2015


Good Afternoon! Happy Sunday!
I have two quick announcements of you all!

1. The winner of the Experience Guide to the book of John was drawn by random selection and the winner is: Krista L. Congrats Krista, and thank you everyone who entered!

2. The next Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study starts Sept 8. It is "Taming the To-Do List" By Glynnis Whitwer. This book isn't about your lists...its about actually getting your lists done! Prioritize your list, don't procrastate and Get God's to-do list done!
Will you join me in study?
Head over to Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies to sign up!

All right that is all I have for you at this point. I'm going to go clean our 3rd floor, so AB can have a sleep over....what have I gotten myself into?!?!?!
