However, there are some women out there whose hearts will break tomorrow. I know, because I was once one of them.
Four years ago my husband and I decided we were going to try grow our family, with no luck.
Four years ago, I watched 19 friends announce pregnancies on Facebook within weeks of each other.
Four years ago, I thought I was pregnant, only to find out that while it had happened, the egg did not stick and no, I truly wasn't pregnant, I just tested too early.
Four years ago, I learned I had PCOS on top of my already diagnosed stage four endometriosis.
Four years ago, I doubted I would ever be able to have a child of my own.
Four years ago, I sat in the back of a full church on Mother's Day listening to a sermon on Mothers.
Four years ago, I walked out of that sanctuary to go cry, because I was not going to have my own child and I could not handle all the emotions going on in me.
Four years ago, I learned just how hard Mother's Day can be.
I want you to know....You are Seen. I see you. GOD sees you hurting. He knows your hurts and your desires. He knows your plans, but his are greater.
I really don't know what else to say to you other than you are SEEN, and LOVED. That is what is pressing on my heart right now.
You may not be a Mother but
*You may be a Step-Mom raising a Child you loves you dearly and you are inspiring them and YOU ARE SEEN
*You may not be speaking to your child, or your child may not be speaking to you but YOU ARE SEEN
*You may be an aunt who influences your nieces and nephews and YOU ARE SEEN
*You may be a servant leader inspiring children and YOU ARE SEEN
*You may be a Friend inspiring someone and YOU ARE SEEN
*You may want nothing more than to feel the movement of a baby in your belly and tomorrow will be hard for you because you do not have that....but KNOW YOU ARE SEEN You are heard and you are LOVED!
On that note to all my reader's I wish you a Happy Mother's Day because not all mom give birth, so if you are touching the life of someone, you deserve to be wished a Happy Mother's Day, too.
~*Signing Off*~
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