July 6, 2015


Whenever we go out to eat I order a water with a lemon. Now, I know, some people have fears of the fruit at restaurants, but I like lemon water so I go with it. The other night, we went out to a cute little Mexican restaurant and I ordered a water with lemon. Sadly, they only had lime. So I had water with lime. Not as refreshing I tell you. Also, I'm very, very picky about the taste of my water, so it was not good and I did not drink it.

Therefore when we got home after eating dinner and going out for ice cream. I was super duper thirsty. I feel like I ran to the fridge, but I probably put some kids to bed first and did everything else that everyone needed first. The only thing I really remember was how refreshing that big tall glass of ice cold water was. I can't even truly remember the taste of my dinner or ice cream, but that glass of water will always be on my mind.

Then it hit me...That's what Jesus is to us. He is that big tall refreshing glass of water. With him we never have to thirst again. That's what he said.

Let me start from the beginning...remember a few weeks back when I posted about writing my story? Jesus, keeps telling me it is time to write. He keeps putting things in my way until I write. That is why I've moved the blog over here, as it will be easier to use, and easier to may be actually do. So I've been fighting this idea until last week, I finally accepted it. This is what He wants from me. He wants to use me as a 'writer'. Since I'm not to sure how or why, I'm starting with a blog and seeing where it goes. So I'm enjoying life and my glass of water when all of a sudden it hits me..."He is my water. KJ, here is your next piece." Seriously I couldn't wait to share with B what had just happened. It was like God spoke just to me, and I actually heard and listened!

So tonight, I've been pondering on this subject for a few days, and I sat down to look at bible gateway, knowing there was verses in the bible about Jesus being the Living water. So I typed in Water...and what do you know would be the suggested verse first. John 4:14 ~ "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

This life makes me thirst. I thirst for a better outcome, a more sun-shiny place. I thirst for rest. I thirst for what I can have in heaven with Christ. However, because I know him, and I am his, I won't have to thirst forever, there will be a day when he comes again or I end up with him in eternity, and I won't be thirsty anymore. For now, I get to enjoy my memory of Friday night and how refreshing that water cup was, because that is how refreshing everything is in Him, the one who died for me.

Signing Off


  1. I am excited to read your story!!!!

  2. I am looking forward to reading your story.
    I understand where you are coming from, I to feel God
    drawing me to write my testimony. I will be asking a lady i know who
    writes and also writes Bible Studies to help me.


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