September 21, 2015

Thank You

I've been wanting to reach out to all my readers and just say a big


So many of you reached out this past week and let me know you were reading, and that you care. I am very thankful for that. I hope my story touched you in some way. I hope it didn't make you feel sorry for me, I hope it just helped you learn a little more about me, and my loving savior Jesus Christ. 

I also need to say thank you to the ladies who helped me edit my story. You were all amazing! You had such great insight and were so supportive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I don't normally edit my blog entries but because of the importance of this one I wanted guidance, and you wonderful friends gave me that. 

This story wasn't hard to write, write it correctly with correct grammar and punctuation that was hard.  It was hard to put out there, it was hard to think people would actually read it and care. It was a hard task to listen to God in that aspect of it. However, after MONTHS of fighting with him, I finally listened. I put myself out there for the world to see, and so far I've only been blessed by it. 

God is faithful, and his Love endures forever, of coarse he would make sure I was blessed through doing something HE wanted me to do. 

"The steadfast love of the Lord never cease, his mercies never come to an ed; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV

Now I ask  Pray..What's next God? Where are you leading me? What are we going to do next?

I'm looking forward to the next step with God, and knowing I have told my story, I'm not lying anymore. I'm not hiding part of me from my family and friends. 
I am me.

A fighter for God's army. 
A child of a King.


For those of you who would like to read my story again or would like to share it with someone, you will find it over to the left. Under the Page title Church goer to rape victim to Child of the King!  Please if you know someone who could benefit from my story share it with them. Help them to know that they are not dirty and they have nothing to be ashamed of, and they are truly loved! 

1 comment:

  1. Letting God lead you and sharing your story is a big part of embracing who you are as a child of God. It's hard, because it's such a deep wound, such a dark place, but it makes a huge difference. Since finally embracing that part and opening up and sharing my story, God has been able to transform me and my life in many, many great ways. I truly believe as you continue to open up, he will do the same for you.


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