July 29, 2015


Happy Wednesday Readers!

So as you know…this whole writing thing has been something I’ve been fighting. However, I’ve finally given in and am trying it. So while talking with my wonderful Savior yesterday, I was asking him to show me what he wants me to write. This has been an ongoing conversation and after this specific talk I went about my day as usual. Until we got home from AB’s hockey; we were having a little discussion. AB was complaining about his hockey skates not being tight enough last night to skate. I asked him why that was.  He continued to say he didn’t know but it wasn’t HIS fault.

Now the problem with this statement is that he was implying it was MY fault. Now whether or not he really believed that I do not know. However, I had asked him 3 times in the locker room while he was getting ready to hit the ice if he needed any help. I was told in the not so nicest tone, that no, he did not want help. I even specifically asked if he needed me to tie his skates. I also asked him he is he wanted me to just leave the locker room, and I was told yes. 

So I did not quite think I was in the wrong here. I mean I asked if he needed help, I left when told. How was his skates not being tied tight enough, my fault? Well, I probably should have stuck around a little closer (I went off with EJ to the other side of the rink) and insisted I tie his skates, but when he is trying to get ready for hockey, I’ve noticed it’s easier to let him be and do it his way.

But after this discussion I got to thinking…how this was a perfect visual of my relationship with Christ at times.  How many times have I truly needed help and he has offered it but instead of taking it, I’ve done it on my own? Only to turn around and shove it in his face that he didn’t help me when needed? Luckily for me, my Spiritual helper is there always, he doesn’t leave me alone in the locker room of life to go take care of someone else.

Want to know something else? He won’t leave you either.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. “Joshua 1:9

Did you know forsake means abandon? Right there he promised he will not abandon you or me! How great is that!? In this world where so many people let us down and leave us, we have the promise that Our God will not leave us ever! This Promise shows up in the bible, a whole bunch of times, we are so lucky!!!

~*Signing Off*~

July 27, 2015


In honor of the First 5 app going live today, I'm giving away one of my copies of the Experience guide.

Check out first5.org to install the app and get working on spending your first 5 minutes with God everyday!

This give away is not sponsored by First5 or Proverbs 31 Ministries in anyway. I just bought two books in order to give one away to someone special! I will contact the winner on Sunday as the entries end on Saturday

To enter the give away please complete the following:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

July 20, 2015

Life Verse

Good evening readers!
I'm working on trying to find my life verse.
The verse that speaks to my heart, that I can turn to in times of need. I've never had one but it was a Bible Study Skill a few weeks back over at #TheMendedHeart Study with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies.

So I figured I'd give it a try.

Only, its really hard to find just one verse that speaks to me.

It was suggested to figure out my needs and passions, and go from there.
Currently I'm needing direction from God. Direction as in where to go, but also how to get there. How to do what he wants from me. How to live the calling he is calling me to.

So I started searching direction (I also used knowledge and insight) on Biblegateway.com

Proverbs 3:5-6 came up: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Psalm 119:66 also came up: "Teach me good judgement and knowledge for I believe in your commandments."

A few other verses that keep coming up in my life are:
Proverbs 16:3: "Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established."
Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God."
Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act."
Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

I'm really leaning to the two Proverbs verses.
I like Proverbs 3:5-6 as I am struggling with my understanding of His calling for me. I don't understand why HE would call me to write?! How is this a good idea?!  So maybe I need to just let go and lean on Him. He will set my path right.

I like Proverbs 16:3 because if I just commit to do what he wants, he will establish my plans, right?

I think I'll try out Proverbs 16:3 for the next few weeks and see what happens. Its shorter. And the only way I can commit my work to the Lord is if I lean on his understanding (from 3:5). Both end in my path being established or straightened for me.

Thanks for working through that with me dear readers.

 Do you have a life verse? Would you share it with me in the comment section?

 ~*Signing Off*~

July 6, 2015


Whenever we go out to eat I order a water with a lemon. Now, I know, some people have fears of the fruit at restaurants, but I like lemon water so I go with it. The other night, we went out to a cute little Mexican restaurant and I ordered a water with lemon. Sadly, they only had lime. So I had water with lime. Not as refreshing I tell you. Also, I'm very, very picky about the taste of my water, so it was not good and I did not drink it.

Therefore when we got home after eating dinner and going out for ice cream. I was super duper thirsty. I feel like I ran to the fridge, but I probably put some kids to bed first and did everything else that everyone needed first. The only thing I really remember was how refreshing that big tall glass of ice cold water was. I can't even truly remember the taste of my dinner or ice cream, but that glass of water will always be on my mind.

Then it hit me...That's what Jesus is to us. He is that big tall refreshing glass of water. With him we never have to thirst again. That's what he said.

Let me start from the beginning...remember a few weeks back when I posted about writing my story? Jesus, keeps telling me it is time to write. He keeps putting things in my way until I write. That is why I've moved the blog over here, as it will be easier to use, and easier to may be actually do. So I've been fighting this idea until last week, I finally accepted it. This is what He wants from me. He wants to use me as a 'writer'. Since I'm not to sure how or why, I'm starting with a blog and seeing where it goes. So I'm enjoying life and my glass of water when all of a sudden it hits me..."He is my water. KJ, here is your next piece." Seriously I couldn't wait to share with B what had just happened. It was like God spoke just to me, and I actually heard and listened!

So tonight, I've been pondering on this subject for a few days, and I sat down to look at bible gateway, knowing there was verses in the bible about Jesus being the Living water. So I typed in Water...and what do you know would be the suggested verse first. John 4:14 ~ "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

This life makes me thirst. I thirst for a better outcome, a more sun-shiny place. I thirst for rest. I thirst for what I can have in heaven with Christ. However, because I know him, and I am his, I won't have to thirst forever, there will be a day when he comes again or I end up with him in eternity, and I won't be thirsty anymore. For now, I get to enjoy my memory of Friday night and how refreshing that water cup was, because that is how refreshing everything is in Him, the one who died for me.

Signing Off

July 4, 2015

Happy Birthday America!

What a fantastic day!

I started the day out early preparing for the neighborhood 4th of July bash. The day was spent with the 'bike' parade, food prep, water slides, water table, swimming pool. Enjoying the company of our new neighbors. Then we watched an amazing 35-45 minute fireworks show, right from our driveway. (Alright, I went to the neighbors driveway, but really I could have seen them from mine.) I love that I didn't have to FIND something for us to do this year, in a new city. Everything we wanted to do was right here, in our own 'backyard'.

I chatted with a few of the guy neighbors tonight, and got to talk about The Lord. I love talking about the Lord. I love hearing how people have come to know Him, and how he is really all around us down here. It's so fun.

I did have an ah-ha moment tonight though. For the first time, I think in forever, I had tears rolling down my face as I prayed out loud with my kids. Usually we just say our night time prayers and move on. Usually we just talk about the day, and I let the kids control the prayer time. Tonight however, I chose to do it. I did give them a chance to pray as well, but it is just so amazing that we get to celebrate America's freedom once a year, but truly I can celebrate my freedom in Christ everyday! How cool is that? I'm also so blessed that I get to speak about God so openly and not have to fear for my life.

I heard a saying once, only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and The American Soldier. One did for your soul, the other for your freedom. On a day like today we get to celebrate both, but really shouldn't we be celebrating and thanking them everyday?

I leave you tonight with this:

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, few God, honor the emperor.
1 Peter 2:13-17

~*Signing Off*~

July 2, 2015

Good Morning Lovely Readers!

Do you need something to do tonight? Check out #P31OBS Bible Study Live Event! It's my favorite night of the week. It's an amazing way to see God move all across the World right on Facebook! Here is the link...https://www.facebook.com/events/366293036909725/
Let me know if you are going, I'll look for you! 

See you!

July 1, 2015

Here we are!

I wasn't happy with the (not so) ease of use over at wix. I hope I'm happier here and can start really listening to God's message to write and share my story! This is kind of neat too that I can blog from my phone! You might see more from me then you want!!! Anyway I've spent all night setting this up and I'm exhausted! 

Good night dear readers!
Signing Off