January 4, 2016

Day 4

I'm just letting you all know I started day 4...got distracted and it took a turn for the worse.

I'm saving it, just not publishing it.

Thanks Dear Readers.

not feeling like
#warriorPrincessKJ at all.


Day 3

I don't have a lot to say today as its late. I just wanted to share my other #write365 goal for myself. I found this scripture writing plan http://www.swtblessings.com/2015/12/january-scripture-writing-plan.html?m=1 and have decided I'm going to do this as a part of my writing. It won't always coordinate and I won't always be able to do them both. However I plan to stay on schedule! I missed yesterday so I did two days today,etc.

If you'll notice on the photo some circles words. Those are what I've gotten from that verse. My key words. Before I sat down todo it tonight, I was just thinking about doing and the thought "your word of the year is love" came to mind. Did you read yesterday's post? I admit I need to learn to love better so I went with it. Then I started writing out Jan 2 scripture and the first sentence included steadfast love...coincidence? I think not.

Will you pray with me that I can learn to love those in my life with a steadfast love just like God loves me??!?! 

~*Signing Off*~

January 2, 2016

Day 2

Honestly....nothing comes to mind, other than "I need to write today"

Just read my daily verse from You Version, my bible app.

It's 1 Corinthians 13: 2

The Message Version:

"If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump" and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing."

Kind of fitting after yesterday.

I did not love well yesterday.

AB really truly annoyed me yesterday and instead of holding on to that boy for dear life and letting him know that no matter what he says and does to me, I will always love him, I yelled.

I got angry. I got rude. I sunk to his level.

Come to think of it, I did not love that much better today, either.

There are few people in my life who really annoy me, and instead of loving them, I've allowed myself to be judgmental of them, and rag on the them, and gossip about them.

Instead of praying for them, and my feelings towards them. I've allowed myself to be no better than them. Their actions are immature and rude, but so are mine.

How is that Christ like love?

It's NOT.

Praying I can learn to have love...but more importantly to have love to give away to others.

~*Signing Off*~

January 1, 2016

Day 1

Hello lovely readers!

I hope you had an amazing Christmas, and I would like to wish you all an amazing New Year!!!

I'm really struggling with what to write about these days, but since I started this challenge I'm going to see what comes.

Currently I'm watching my 10 year old son, 'clean' his room. I really don't understand how it is so hard for one person to do the one task at hand.

Do you think that's what God wonders too?

"KJ, I've told you since April...1000 times, to write, to tell people your story, why is it so hard for you to do? Why aren't you doing it yet?"

I'm sure that is why HE puts these thoughts in my head right?

Thankfully for me, God has more patience then my human self. If God hounded me and YELLED at me the way I've been on AB all day to get his job done, I'm sure I would be in a way different spot.

I'm also not jumping all over the room getting distracted by every little thing, but is the laundry or the dishes, or that tv show, really more important than being obedient?

So...Here is to the next 365 days :)

We got this right?!

~*Signing off*~
