July 29, 2015


Happy Wednesday Readers!

So as you know…this whole writing thing has been something I’ve been fighting. However, I’ve finally given in and am trying it. So while talking with my wonderful Savior yesterday, I was asking him to show me what he wants me to write. This has been an ongoing conversation and after this specific talk I went about my day as usual. Until we got home from AB’s hockey; we were having a little discussion. AB was complaining about his hockey skates not being tight enough last night to skate. I asked him why that was.  He continued to say he didn’t know but it wasn’t HIS fault.

Now the problem with this statement is that he was implying it was MY fault. Now whether or not he really believed that I do not know. However, I had asked him 3 times in the locker room while he was getting ready to hit the ice if he needed any help. I was told in the not so nicest tone, that no, he did not want help. I even specifically asked if he needed me to tie his skates. I also asked him he is he wanted me to just leave the locker room, and I was told yes. 

So I did not quite think I was in the wrong here. I mean I asked if he needed help, I left when told. How was his skates not being tied tight enough, my fault? Well, I probably should have stuck around a little closer (I went off with EJ to the other side of the rink) and insisted I tie his skates, but when he is trying to get ready for hockey, I’ve noticed it’s easier to let him be and do it his way.

But after this discussion I got to thinking…how this was a perfect visual of my relationship with Christ at times.  How many times have I truly needed help and he has offered it but instead of taking it, I’ve done it on my own? Only to turn around and shove it in his face that he didn’t help me when needed? Luckily for me, my Spiritual helper is there always, he doesn’t leave me alone in the locker room of life to go take care of someone else.

Want to know something else? He won’t leave you either.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. “Joshua 1:9

Did you know forsake means abandon? Right there he promised he will not abandon you or me! How great is that!? In this world where so many people let us down and leave us, we have the promise that Our God will not leave us ever! This Promise shows up in the bible, a whole bunch of times, we are so lucky!!!

~*Signing Off*~


  1. Love it! I try and see things that happen and relate it to my relationship with Jesus.
    But most times i do not.
    Thank You for reminding me that "Jesus never leaves us or abandons us

    1. Thank you for your kind words RoseMary. Let's be honest, God put that reminder of our relationship on my heart, not me. :) He is an amazing God who truly will never leave us :) I love that!


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